
Wag It Games offers the opportunity to earn a variety of titles.
There is no requirement for the Wag 1, 2 and 3 titles to be earned in a specific order. Any/All levels to be played at any time thus multiple titles may be worked on and earned simultaneously.

Titles earned are updated in the dog’s online record once a month. Upon completion of a title an email notification is sent out and a personalized title certificate will be available to download from the dog’s online record. Please see the title chart for details.

BASE TITLES - The place to begin.

  • WAG 1 - Three successful novice level performances earned in a skill division.
  • WAG 2 - Three successful skilled level performances earned in a skill division.
  • WAG 3 - Three successful proficient level performances earned in a skill division.

Once base titles are earned a variety of advanced titles and medals can be earned. See the title chart for a full list.

Agility adjusted height options 
See agility rules for details

  • AH1 is applied after the title to agility titles earned with any Adjusted Height 1 qualifying scores.
  • AH2 is applied after the title to agility titles earned with any Adjusted Height 2 qualifying scores.
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